Our work is done. We are packing this morning to go to one last museum and then a little time to rest before we start our journey back tonight. After several months of planning, 30 hours in airports and on planes to get here, and a week of working in four communities in Cebu; here are some final reflections...
We have a amazing faculty and students. Parents and families, you have every reason to be extremely proud. The students are not only talented and knowledgeable, but they have giving hearts and unselfishly gave of themselves this week.
The communities where we did our work were generous and giving. They gave us a heroes welcome each morning and were so grateful.
The sights, the sounds, the tastes, the smells all made for a unique cultural experience. Our students were able to partake deeply of many things that the Philippines has to offer.,,mountains, city, beaches, forts, churches, temples, Jeepneys, street vendors, rich and poor, homeless shelters and high rises, and the largest mall that many of us have ever seen. It is a beautiful and rich country, and we were fortunate to see a small part of it.
We made new friends. The teachers, community leaders, bus drivers, local law enforcement officers, and many others befriended us. We leave a part of our hearts behind us here, but we know that if we ever come this way again that we will have friends who will welcome us back. We owe them a thank you for all they did to make our time here the most productive and pleasant that it could be. Several of them are following the blog, and we want to say thank you!
Hi soon to be weary travelers,
ReplyDeleteJust looking and reading your all's blog, this has become my new means of relaxation! How fortunate you all are for this experience! As I said before, this is a way for us to experience it with you all. When I read what Levi said about the things you all have learned, the people you have meet, the experience, and then reading what the rest of you all have said about how wonderful you have been treated, it just broadens your mind of how all GOD’s children love and appreciate one another.
It’s funny how your pictures give us an insight into life on your travels. I look at the children as you all are teaching them, they are really listening, they are interested, they have their little matching uniforms on (which I think is sooo cute), they have looks of wonderment and respect. And then to realize that you came and changed their lives through the dentistry that took them out of pain, cleaned and fixed their mouth, you taught them hands on water purification, you gave THEM insight into how awesome it is that a group of men and women would come to them and help them. You both learned from each other and both groups became one, teachers, friends, growing off each other, and made lifelong memories from this.
Even though I can’t wait to hug my daughter and be relieved you all made a safe trip home, I know that you all and all of us that have followed you, wish your journey could have been a little longer.
Have a safe trip home, cherish your memories, and thank you for how you changed the world.
Can’t wait to see you Caytie, love you honey,